Kristofer Frostestad Awarded GLSHF Scholarship

Congratulations, Kristofer!
Kristofer Frostestad is one of twelve scholars, who is a recipient of the health-focused scholarships from the Greater Lee's Summit Healthcare Foundation. Kristofer's award was for $5,000.
Kristofer says: "After graduating St. Louis College of Pharmacy with a Doctorate of Pharmacy, I plan to enter either clinical pharmacy or drug research. I currently work at SSM Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital and feel a career in a hospital as a clinical pharmacist would be fulfilling. However, I also have an interest in working on drug research because I feel I could impact a greater number of people. The GLSHF Scholarship will help make my dreams more affordable and help to allow me to do a residency before finding a pharmacist position."
Since 2003, GLSHF has granted more than $1.3 million in scholarships or grants to a multitude of awardees designed to impact the health and well-being of the greater Lee’s Summit community.
Eligibility criteria, applications and application deadlines are available at