Priority will be given to those proposals most consistent with the Foundation mission and with the widest potential benefit to the community.
This may include projects in the areas of:
• Research
• Education
• Public training programs
• Programs in schools
• Clinics for indigent care
• Equipment
• Services
• Other creative projects as may be presented
Please contact the Foundation via email at glshf571@gmail.com if you have any questions concerning grants.
Preference is given to requests for funds to seed a cause that can be self-supporting within a reasonable time.
Applicants may apply for multi-year grants.

• Grant requests of $2,500 or greater will be considered.
• Grant requests may be submitted from September 1st to October 31st
• Grant awards are announced in January
• All grant requests must be submitted through the GLSHF application
Applications will be evaluated based on innovation, focus, probability of achieving goals, budget, and the potential positive impact on the community.
Payment will be made on the following timeline: 50% at time of notification, 25% at mid-year Interim Report, and 25% at end of grant cycle, unless the recipient can demonstrate that they need all the funds up front.
Grants will be made to public charities for projects/proposals designed to impact the greater Lee’s Summit area.
Grants will not be made to, or for the benefit of, any individual.
Grants will not be awarded for day-to-day operating expenses or salaries of any organization with the exception of "seed" dollars as mentioned in TYPES OF GRANTS above.

All application materials not attached to the online Grant Application should be submitted to:
The Greater Lee’s Summit Healthcare Foundation
P.O. Box 571
Lee’s Summit, MO 64063
Email: glshf571@gmail.com
Please reference the Grant Project or purpose.
Regardless of the submission method you use, a GLSHF representative will reply to your submission to verify receipt.